Friday 15 January 2010

Getting fired up

Since I've been on a low 'tick over' most functions pottery wise have also been on hold.Maintaining just enough heat with low watt, stat controlled tube heaters in the vicinity of drying pots avoids frost damage.(basic school science..clay=lots o water, extreme low temperature = ice , ice = expansion , expansion = zillions of 'bits' o pots !) Trust me, you let this kind of traumatic trauma happen just once! A few boards of pots about and your looking at a lot of time & £.
We started children's classes last week,it seems children are more resilient to frost damage than pots! Getting old Bertha fired up ( the pot belly stove in the teaching studio ) and keeping her fed with split logs has been one of may challenges whilst spinning around on crutches! My lovely faithful crew of little 'Mudlarks' duly turned up and put a smile on my face for an hour or so . I have to say they were the most critical about me when they realised I'd slacked on firring kilns and wailed in unison "so why haven't you fired our pots !?) Adult classes started this week and as a child oriented foster carer I of course love children's class but a couple of hours with kindred spirits and a glass of the same ( a nice dry red Shiraz does it for me!) kinda rows my boat and is a night out .
Well I'm going to try and do all the back orders on glazing and over the next few days, fire a few kilns and quell the hoards of mutinous kids !

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Happy New Year !

Hello world. Happy New Year!
I hope at least half your dreams come true।I think it did for a lot of children around here with at least eight inches of snow fall over night.Taking a picture of the old 'Gig House'end of the pottery put me in mind of some Swiss log cabin
Just in case there is some body out there reading this ( and I sadly have no evidence there is ! ) I need to make a heart felt apology for no blog activity lately. In the process of recovering from surgery to a leg I have been perfecting my balletic pirouettes whilst balancing precious pots from one part of the studio to another.Not an image to conjure with!( the elephant with a pink Tu Tu in Disney's 'Fantasia' was I'm afraid my one!)